Monday, April 14, 2008


Here are the pics from this morning's ultrasound...which was ultracool! The kid was mostly in a position with its knees against the forehead. We joked that it was a yoga position of some sort, just like its momma.

The first image is of the kids face. R thinks it looks like me. What do you think?The next is a split-screen of the feet. One can see each foot pretty clearly on each side.
The third is an image of the kid with its hand to its mouth.Hopefully the next set of images will be little clearer and in full color. Expect those pictures around early September.


crmarty said...

That is so fun! Its adorable! I think it is a .... Ha Ha Congrats and thanks for sharing! The baby is beautiful! Enjoy this special time!

Unknown said...

How exciting for you both :-) So...boy or girl...did you ask?

comoprozac said...

Thanks. Beautiful? I get saying that in 5-6 months, but now?

We did not ask the sex. We'll let that be a surprise.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't count all toes or fingers yet but "it" looks good - if it looks like dad in the face, there's always plastic surgery! Ha-ha. She or he will look like an angel. I am certain of that.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Those are great ultrasound pictures. My son's first ultrasound pictures looked like an alien (but I loved him anyway!) It is so neat to see a baby's face on ultrasound & try to imagine what they will look like once they are here. Enjoy every step of the way!
Jolleen WMR1

Anonymous said...

I think I saw a penis! Just kidding:-)