Sunday, December 30, 2007

Xmas 2007 in Pictures

As we began our 8-hour trek across America's heartland, R and I witnessed several reminders as to the reason for the season. This giant cross is located just outside of Effingham, Illinois, home of a unique coffee shop called Starbucks.

Eventually, we arrived in West Liberty to hang out with Mom and Dad. Bea terrorized Bodhi, but we had an enjoyable evening and lazy morning.

Soon, we were off again to Toledo to visit Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle Tim. While there, Mom decided to give Aunt Pam a ring.

(Aunt Pam, here are the photos of everyone talking to you on the that you don't forget what we look like.)

Nate, Kate, and I even paused long enough for a holiday photo...
Later that evening, R and I drove up to Ortonville, MI where her family's lake house is located. Along with R's brother, sister-in-law, mother, niece, and nephew, we enjoyed a hearty Christmas Eve dinner of Polish deliciousness...and vodka.

It was fun to experience Christmas morning with kids again as our niece and nephew opened up many fun gifts. I too got into the spirit of the morning and
baked a brioche that tasted fine (despite a lack of vanilla) but did not look much like Santa Clause.

That's all for now.

1 comment:

Jerry and Dena said...

Zac, thanks for sharing your pix - I'm glad someone in this family is on the ball! Love the cross!